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An Innovative Solution

We are conducting extensive research in consultation with public and private regional economic leaders to contextually assess, define program requirements and build a comprehensive and robust framework that may be used on an ongoing project basis for collaborative management actions in our consolidated region.  Our next phases extend, engage and interact with all members, visitors and international enterprise relationships of our combined regions.  Results transparently report for our economic stakeholders, residents and visitors to gain progressive visibility and build knowledge and awareness of activities, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in our public and private economic management sectors.  

Our vision: sustainability and equity in governance.  Our goal: facilitating the constructs and "how" to achieve the region's shared vision of "Sustainable, smart and locally networked, globally connected and achieving economic growth that instils high-value profit returns—while preserving and maintaining heritage and environment to remain a pristine international location."  Join us in our quest!

Consultation Program: Projects


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The local economy citizens, private business interests and community not for profit and public governance.  Contemporary regional development strategies and management more and more need to integrate, consolidate and span the multiple interests (often disparate) of stakeholders who reside, operate and interact.


Collaborative management is now an emergent trend toward holistic sustainability of economy and  management.  Often called "Heterarchic" or "Network" management, this approach allows bringing together the right people and the most appropriate process to a budget efficient and accountable shared resource, communications and technology  platform.  Interdependent economic activities are managed on a project or actions—for—results basis by bringing together relevant people, process, technology and the tools and empowerment knowledge required in each situation respectively.  Another name for this point of singularity is "Consilience"—bringing all sources together to enable effective, accountable results in a or "Triple Bottom Line/Quadruple Bottom Line" shared governance democratic framework for transformation.  


The emergence and highlighted for such rapidly adaptive strategic change and  models has been the subject of our extensive research and development over the past decades.  Business practices changed, technology rapidly evolved into Artificial Intelligence and Information Communications internet and wireless solutions. innovate, restructure and acquire other business ventures and partners.  Society is internationally mobile and impacted with "global—local" (G-Local) multiculturalism.  Our New Zealand economy draws heavily on this mobile  market and to secure international trade export we increasingly need technology communications—often beyond budgets or knowledge competence of local small enterprises.  With the added scientific warnings of the fragility of our natural environment and United Nations asserted call for sustainability governance models—the trends and their economic drivers are simply too serious and costly to ignore in forward strategies. 


Essentially, the answer to this question depends on who is operating the model.  If it is a private company or public corporation, the shareholders and incorporated entity hold an  governance charter that includes this type of sustainability cultural domain and corporate governance blueprint. In the case of a regional collaborative economic development framework such as this project—the democratic nature of regional governance ensures that ultimately citizens are the "shareholders" or stakeholders.  

As there is a complex mix of private stakeholders and public managerial agents, the ideal controllers or drivers of the model are best those same, democratically elected regional leaders who may enact overall legal authority over regional governance.  Depending on the nature of each or project, any regional stakeholder may collaboratively utilize the model features, resources and platform available.  

Note that this model does not "replace" existing government systems, but provides a "parasympathetic" or binding matrix to make shared management activities easier, more efficient and effective.  

The model further supports communications, and building within a specific area—visibly connected relationships with stakeholders who are but interdependently connected.  


The consultation program is currently in progress as a contextual strategy assessment and stakeholder relationships modelling project.  To gain this first step overview of the consolidated regional economic ecosystem needs, impacts, drivers and cultural factors, the consultation focusses first on identifying key economic, managerial stakeholders and gathering regional intelligence to identify, plan and develop the regional model and its outputs.  This website provides the key publicly transparent source to publish the progressive findings, development, and share relevant knowledge arising from the project.  

To pilot in an economic ecosystem is a vast undertaking, and to gain comprehensive evaluation and value results a "slant" or segmented perspective provides the context for first iterations (sub projects) that are featured economic issues identified in the area managerial consultation.  This regional contextual management assessment date identified three critical economic factors that are prevalent in the "empowered culture transformation" perspective identified to problem address.  These three factors are:

  1. Attracting Talent culture (as residents and/or investors) and providing economic resources and supports to engage, stimulate and build economic sustainable growth.

  2. Provide managerial infrastructure, stakeholder visibility of roles and responsibilities and consolidated knowledge mechanisms to facilitate communications, raise awareness and build capability skills of active stakeholders participating in the economy.  

  3. Establish mechanisms that fulfill the major economic growth and stability of the region—promoting the industries, commerce and stakeholder events, attractions and activities.

As the first phase consultation progresses, these factors are validated, expanded and contextualised, from the perspectives of reviewed drivers—the critical stakeholders.  In many cases, components that fulfill the factors, are already available and exist to some extent, but the major issue highlighted is the lack of coordinated, consolidation.  The resulting gaps in provision, poor visibility of economic benefits to residents and prospecting investors combined with an overall deficit in communications, promotions and talent, culture knowledge management provide a reason and impetus to develop and conduct this consultation program.  Please visit our Consultation Framework section for further information.


The initial research and consultative program was not "commercially " or sponsored by any one agent or driving stakeholder.  Instead, the project has been developed as an independent PhD progressive research and charitable pro Bono participation in transforming economies for peace equity and sustainability.  The founder developed   framework to support underdeveloped nations transition through economic recovery, capacity and capability  building—as a result also holds Director, expert advisor position on an ASEAN UN Board.  Vivienne (Tobassa) Eggers to the regions of her birth and childhood to continue her life commitment for Earth systems and humanity.

With considerable leading private and public sector managerial experience, we are now poised at the coalface of necessity change culture management with other private, public and academic consultancies to champion new ways forward that support our current and future living needs, environment and economic prosperity.  Please browse our research section for relevant supports and sources of our research.

Consultation Program: FAQ
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